Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Projek Cili,
Oh, Projek Cili..
Masih ingatkah tentang projek ini?
Berbulan-bulan masa diberi,
Disebabkan kemalasan yang tak terperi,
Sampai sekarang tak jadi-jadi,
Apa nak jadi..
Budak 5tm ni?

Chilies Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ke-malang-an 5TM

admin kembali mengganas!
hari ini kami semua menggila!
menggila kerana fail durjana!
kerja last minute!
pada hari periksa!
itukah namanya..
sekolah cluster??
nafsu makan terpaksa ditahan..
demi mendapat keputusan cemerlang..
kami pelajar tm..
terlalu malang..
sedang berpesta..
ditangkap Pn.N
aku dibelakang..
tak paham-paham,

p/s: mintak-mintak takde cikgu ict baca,haha..

DOMO Pictures, Images and Photos

CANDIDS.. (u know u love it)

okay, so i was looking through the pictures of the "test-subjects-gone-wrong"
a.k.a residents of TM 08-09
so i found out that i had a few candid pictures.
and since i have never contributed to this blog,
nor have me or rio updated on PIGGS,
i decided to let the pictures do the talking.
and besides, a picture paints a thousand words. or do they?? o.O

the "why?!?!?" picture by shima.
it shows a lot of emotions.
pain, anguish, struggle..all summarized in a synical laughter.
it looks like the world is collapsing on her, or is she the one collapsing?

the "monkeyy meets drunken kung fu master".
an authentic piece by fatimah and fero.
it has two very distinctive characters.
fatimah looks like she is having the time of her life, while the "kung fu master" is hung over and having a head ache due to the monkey who is on a rampage to annoy the world.

this is the "tiny beings, great stomach"
this tiny being can consume up to 3 plates of laksa johor and a full bowl of tomyam.
a great piece of art.
good posture.

all three of this picture is a masterpice of the "food, food, glorious food!"
the top picture is of fero eating and being caught by the lens candidly.
the second is of shikin indulging in her mee and forgetting all else.
the bottom picture is of sheiqa eating her mee. she looks pale. like someone with pneumonia.
all this pictures represents one thing.

how much food is adored and worshiped by the TMers

and my favourite. it is called...
high on shima's tomyam"
a stunning and jaw-dropping picture of risha nazneen devouring on the tomyam served at shima's house.
look at those shows just jow much of a 'kick' this tomyam really is.
such a fine piece of art.
it is priceless..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

10 kelebihan bebudak 5TM/09....


Main copy/paste dari forum nie. Thanks Rysha b'coz berjaya memperincikan fakta2 yg benar dan tepat ttg klas kite yek!

1. Semua pelajar - pelajar 5TM pelahap . Bagi satu periuk sebelanga makanan , confirm boleh habis !

2. Kelas yang membekalkan makanan kepada pelajar - pelajar 5PA & 5PD *full credits to Opah Aniss kita !

3. Seharian bersama 5TM membuatkan anda semua berasa seminggu bersama kumpulan- kumpulan badut - badut , akrobat , binatang - binatang Royal London Circus ;) HAHA

4. Semua buku bagi setiap subjek tak pernah complete semua orang hantar . ( yang ni semua cikgu dah give up dah ....)

5. Permainan rugby adalah permainan rasmi 5TM . HAHAHAHA

6. 5TM merangkumi pelajar - pelajar yang talented dalam semua bidang .

- Comedian Sejati 5TM : Syieqa & Yadha
- Entrepreneur 5TM : Anis Anidah
- Pelukis Berbakat : Fadh , Sero , Zurina
- Badut Yang Lawaknya kadang - kadang menjadi : Nado , Fatimah , Atenn
- Athlete Sekolah : Lilo
- Pembebel seperti seorang pensyarah : Shima & Widad
- Pelajar Cemerlang : Nedy (poyo lah jugak :DD)
- School Debater : Sherylee
- Captain Cheerleader ES : Siken
- Cheerleader Sejati : Chubby , Safraa , Khai 
- Ratu Silat Negara : Raja Durratun ( HAHA )
- Pakar J-Robik Johor Bahru : Mira Kaka & So’od
- Pendengki Yang Mulia : Carla ( HAHA )
- Ratu KRS yang selalu tidur : Fero
- Man-Whore Sejati : Sai , Dhinah , Emo
- Drama Queen 5TM : Ynaa & Naq
- Minah Suara High Pitch : Nuri ;)
- Minah Invisible tapi pandai : Yayang

7. 5TM mempunyai semangat berkerjasama yang tinggi ( example : Pertandingan Drama 2008 ) tapi kalau suruh kemas kelas , semua cabut dulu ! HAHA

8 . Tong sampah kelas kita harga dia RM20 . ntah sapa lah yang beli mahal mahal nih .

9. Orang pertama yang dikenakan demerit oleh Puan Azalina Raya pada tahun 2008 adalah salah seorang pelajar 5TM . Tahniah Ynaaaa ! HAHAHA takbleh blah .

10. 5TM penuh dengan kontroversi . Daripada tahun 2008 sehingga 2009 , nama 5TM selalu saja naik . Terima kasih kepada guru - guru yang suka bergosip tentang kami . Popular sikit kelas kita nih kan . HAHA

Reports on week 20/4-24/4..


Cam dah lamer lak blog ni x update2..

Mne xnyer...

Bdk2 TM nie kan sentiasa 'busy', mem'busy'kan diri dgn melakukan aktiviti2 'tmbhan'..

Sampai menyebabkan ramai antara mereka sudah 'collapsed' n tgh menghadapi kepenatan yg 'melampau'*tp bile bab buat bising sentiasa segar-bugar....pelik kan?*

Cian bdk2 TM...takziah la ak ucapkan...kpd mereka yg mungkin tgh menghadapi tekanan perasaan..

Dalam menyiapkan keje2 yg sepatutnye sudah disiapkan berbulan yg lalu........

Ape-ape pun klas ni mmg sentiasa ada idea yg baru....

...memikirkan lawak2 pelik...

...serta karenah2 yg mungkin klakar kot...

...dan akhirnya berjaya di'record'kan dalam camcorder....

...mmg best.

Tp lain kali la ak uploadkan, tgh malas skrg nie....


Thursday, March 19, 2009

You're not gagah if you don't read this:


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We're back!!

the devilish war is temporarily over..
but the results...
don't ask!!
it's too obvious..
those that study..
those who last minutely study..
fails(unless you're a homework freak..hahaha)
what the freak is freaking wrong with this world..
you don't need to value people by grades!!
it's the heart and talent that counts..
right minna!!?
We will strive for our own existence!!
Just you wait:

hahah..what the freak am I writing..
